Queen's Sport Nutrition/Cookery Demo Series in BT9

£0.00 / unit

Monthly 21st Oct,
18th Nov,
9th Dec,
27th Jan,
10th Feb,
24th Mar
19.30-20.30pmThe Treehouse in Elms Village BT9MonthlyNutrition/ Wellbeing/ FitnessNo charge

Join us in the BT9 Treehouse for a monthly nutrition/ cookery demonstration, to focus on putting together meal ideas for delicious dinners.

Brought to you by registered nutritionist (Lee McCusker, BA, MSc, MSc, MSc, ANutr, SENr)
Learn about the fundamentals of cooking.
Learn about the fundamentals of nutrition and how to make better choices for a healthier lifestyle.

These workshops will not only show you how to prepare & cook delicious easy meals. But they will introduce key healthy eating topics that will help improve general health and wellbeing. You'll also learn about the importance of nutrition for everyday life and sport.

We will be incorporating ingredients you can pick up at the QUB Pantry located in One Elmwood, to ensure the meals are easy to make & easy to afford.

Every month will be a new theme!

21st Oct: Uni starter meal

18th Nov: Thanksgiving

9th Dec: Christmas

27th Jan: Health Journey

10th Feb: Valentines

24th Mar: Protein snack/ study snack

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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