Contact Us:

Product Queries
- For product or event specific queries, please contact the selling department directly.
- Seller contact details will be found in the online store for the relevant department.

General Contact Information
-The University online store is managed by the Income and Student Finance Office based at One Elmwood.
-For general questions relating to the online store platform, contact us via email at [email protected]
Logging into online store
- You can choose to create an online store customer account, or to checkout as a guest.
- If you are a student or a member of staff at Queen's University Belfast, there is no link between your University network log in and the online store.
- If you have created an online store customer account and you have forgotten your password, click the Forgotten password button on the customer login page.
Payment Methods
- Payments are in Pound Sterling (GBP).
- We accept Mastercard and Visa.
Problems paying by Credit or Debit Card
- The most likely cause of payment failure is a mismatch between the billing address given, and the address your card provider has on record.
- You may be asked for additional information by your card provider, this gives you an added layer of security when paying for goods or services online. If your payment is being rejected, please contact your card provider for further information.
- If there are no identified issues with your card provider and you still cannot pay, please contact Flywire Payer Support via Live Chat Flywire or Telephone (Domestic: 020 39 624 308 or International: +44 20 39 624 308).
- If your issue remains unresolved, please contact [email protected] with a description of the problem.
Order Confirmation Email
- If your transaction is successful, you will see your unique Order Confirmation number on screen once you have completed checkout.
- You will also receive an order confirmation email to the email you gave during checkout.